Was the stone temple Solomon built really as holy and important as some people insist it was? Let’s take a look at what is actually recorded in scripture to find out what that temple really represented.



This book looks into the life of each king in Jerusalem, and those in Samaria in the most logical manner. In the way they were recorded in scripture. Each king fulled one little part in God’s prophetic timing. A timing and pattern this world is repeating today. The lives of those kings and the symbols involved either established or called attention to that pattern. Unlike other books of this nature, this book sticks to scripture for the answers. This book shows the world how God recorded answers in other books of the Bible generations before the questions were asked. In short, this book shows how God was in control every step of the way, and knew the outcome of every event long before details began to unfold. If only those kings knew how to go back to scripture for the answers they needed. Think of how the course of this world could have been changed. But human nature has always depended too much on itself, and not enough on the God who created this world.


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