Now We Know
Did you ever wake up in the morning before the sun rose. You can’t fall back asleep. So you begin to pray and sure enough, God begins to explain why the world is almost ready for its final destruction. For good reasons, God never listed any details explaining why He had to destroy the world the first time in a flood.
The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the LORD said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing–all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.”
(Gen 6:5-7 NLTse)
We know one thing for sure. If God had listed details of what people did in this world before the flood, today’s world would be filled with self proclaimed preachers taking out a few choice lines, teaching that evil as good and saying, “it is in the Bible.” How many people would take a few choice lines then use them to become overnight sensations on social media?
There are of course a few choice details that point to the obvious destruction of this world. Take a look at those bills passed by Congress under Pelosi. Those bills gave millions and billions of dollars to study everything from ants on cocaine to gay slugs and snails. Those bills included trillions of dollars for things such as, getting men pregnant, sex change drugs and operations, and a host of other details designed to call God, creation, and the Bible into question. So God decided to step in and wisely expose some of what happened behind the scenes. For the most part we call them, “conspiracy theories.” What they are in fact are details people pay attention to, do a little thinking, and put the facts together. It is all rather simple based on the fact, democrats have a long history of blaming a crime on others before committing that crime themselves. That list has been so long over the past four years, we’ve lost count. What it is in fact is the bizarre habit demented people have to brag about their crimes.
To understand what is happening and where those demons plan to take this world, we can compare today’s society to that of the Roman empire before its fall. Rome prided itself on slavery. Slavery was out in the open, a show of status and power. Today we all but see people bragging about the open border and forms of slavery it has brought to the United States. Too many leading politicians have openly defended the effects of the open border as if the existence of society relies on importing bodies over the border. Rome was known for importing slaves from every region of the known world. Listen closely at what the left claims about the open border and you can see their plans to assure open slavery will soon become a part of the American fabric and a symbol of their wealth, power, and success. According to them, the open border is vital part of their plans for the economy. It is just a matter of time before they take the shade off their plans. It is just another matter of putting two and two together.
Rome was also known for its arenas, gladiators, and what they termed, “entertainment to appease the masses.” We were taught to believe the arenas were designed to keep the masses in check with distractions. In fact, those arenas were only a part of what the elite used in an attempt to satisfy their lusts. Slaves were also used to satisfy those desires. In modern society we see Epstein Island, Diddy parties, and a host of other societies created for the entertainment of the rich and powerful. To substitute for the arena the elite use open streets, drugs, and lax laws as their open arena. The worst criminals are released to the streets much like gladiators taking to the sands of the arena to continue their quest. Although billions was spent on studying thousands of details that have nothing to do with human nature and the problems society faces, not one dollar has been spent to explore reasons behind repeat criminals and why they are released into society. We are just told, “we need to understand them and give them another chance.” As if another chance in society will expel the demons controlling them. Billions has been spent to import what we can call, gladiators to the modern arenas we call television and social media today. We could get into the censorship of television and social media we’ve seen to reinforce and prove this point, but we all experienced that censorship and live with it everyday. We’ve seen what social media allows on their channels as acceptable community standards and what posts get you banned from their channels.
You would think the so called, “modern philosophers of society,” leaders in congress, mayors, governors, and other leaders would see the obvious problems they are causing with open borders. Those facts are too glaring to ignore. Those details were never missed. Those details, the actions and reactions have been used to achieve what they consider, the ultimate goal. Top leaders in government have been working with foreign countries to import the worst of the worst from criminal systems in a handful of countries much like entrepreneurs in Rome sought out and purchased top prospects for the arena. Who in their right mind would think they can take criminal gangs from other countries, place them in cities around the country and suddenly, all those gangs would get along and live in peace? Peace was never an objective. Increased crime and violence was always the plan and as long as those political leaders are allowed to operate in the open the threats increase for every average American.
The only details we know about this world before the flood is, people were controlled by demons to the point there was no way to reach them. Not even God could reach them or change their way of thinking. We do know those demons survived the flood. We know those demons did it before and it is their goal to do it again. God didn’t have to provide a list of what caused the flood and first destruction of this world. We are living it and witnessing it first hand everyday. Bit by bit. Step by step. Can it be stopped?